Bleach 402 Spoiler [ブリーチ ネタバレ]

BLEACH 402 Spoiler [ブリーチ ネタバレ]
BLEACH 402 Spoiler Summaries
Credit : Ohana
Verification : Confirmed
Translator : Sheetz_Flol

めずらしい格好してますねと キスケ
進化途中は醜いものだよ 藍ちゃん
宝玉と融合したんですね キスケ
融合じゃなくて、従えたんだよ 君が御し切れなかった宝玉をね 藍ちゃん
確かに ”当時はね” 
負け惜しみか~~~ 刺す藍ちゃん
バクドウ63 サジョウサバク
バクドウ79 クヨウシバリ

長い長い唱をとなえるキスケ 遅い!藍ちゃん
ハドウ91 センジュコウテンタイホウ
ポカーン イチゴ ギン
振り向くキスケ 斬る愛染

90番台のキドウですらうんちゃらかんちゃら~ 愛染
昔のあなたなら 僕にふれることなんてなかったのに~うんちゃらかんちゃら
封をしたっす 霊圧を塞ぎました
自分自身の霊圧で  うんちゃらかんちゃら~

Aizen acts like he knew Kisuke was coming.
Kisuke: That’s an unusual form.
Aizen: Midway through an evolution is ugly.
Kisuke: You fused with the hougyoku?
Aizen: It’s not a fusion, I’ve subdued it. The hougyoku you  weren’t able to fully master.
That was true “at the time.”
Aizen: “Making excues?” He makes a stab.
Kisuke dodges like he did when fighting Yammi and disappears.

He uses bakudou 63 “Sanjyou Sabaku” and 79 “Kuyou Shibari” to bind Aizen. [Sounds like they cause the ground to come up and wrap around him.]
Aizen is not able to do a lot.
Kisuke says a long chant. “Too late!” says Aizen.
Hadou 91 . Senjyu Kouten Taihou. [Some type of canon?]
Ichigo and Gin are shocked.
As they wonder if he disappeared or was blown away Aizen reappears.
Kisuke turns around and Aizen slashes his sword.

Aizen:” Even using a 90 level kidou, blah blah blah….
A long time ago you didn’t even touch me…blah blah blah…”
Aizen starts to glow? His two hands are in handcuffs.
It’s a seal so his reiatsu is blocked.
With his own reiatsu, blah blah blah
It forms a column of light…Until next week.

Source : Bleach 402